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Band Of Outsiders

True, authentic, humorous.
Anzeige/Ad | The iconic menswear brand from Los Angeles offers a complete wardrobe. Their goal is to support each individual every single day. With what you ask? With humour and inclusivity! They invite you to be part of something. You could even call it an invitation to the BAND OF OUTSIDERS.





The inspiration for the collection includes Southern California, America, Hollywood and Pop Art. They especially put a focus on a high standard in quality and on the…

Three ways with Olymp

Three ways with OLYMP.
Anzeige/Ad | Guys, when it comes to menswear I put sometimes a lot of emphasis on brands have been around for a long time. One such brand is OLYMP which has been around since 1951. In addition to a great story behind the brand, there is also the quality that has been perfected over a very long time. You can practically feel the 67 years of experience in every single design.

I tried out several different pieces…

Armani Silos

ARMANI / SILOS – 40 Years Of Armani Fashion

A glimpse into Giorgio Armani’s world.


Anzeige/Ad | Upon arriving at the hotel in Milan where I stayed a few days, I had to wait a few hours for my room to be ready. So I had a little bit time to kill. I grabbed my phone and looked for anything exciting in my location. I figured out that the Armani Museum was not even 5 minutes away. Very funny because I’d actually always wanted to go…

The Culotte

The Culotte

In Milan´s midst.
Anzeige/Ad | As some of you have already seen, nearly a week ago I spent a few days in Milan. I was mainly there for the world’s biggest eyewear exhibition – the MIDO optical fair. It was quite amazing to see all the different frames made out of many varied materials. While attending I had the chance to shoot this look with Patrick Langwallner, a photographer from Salzburg, Austria.

The look I had chosen that day was very…

Im britischen Stil

Im britischen Stil

Oversized, Prince of Wales-Karomuster und lang bis zu den Knöcheln.
Anzeige/Ad | Ich habe mir einen neuen Mantel zugelegt. Und nein, es ist nicht der gefühlt dritte, schwarze und normal geschnitte Mantel. Ich habe Ausschau nach etwas Anderem gehalten. Etwas, was man nicht allzu oft auf den Straßen, zumindest hier in Hamburg, sieht. Es ist ein, in oversized geschnitten und mit Prince of Wales-Karos gemusterter Mantel. Lang – und zwar sehr lang! So lang, dass er mir knapp bis zu den Knöcheln…